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Assignment 11

Despite his impressive education and qualifications, Paul may have been seemingly subservient to Peter. Firstly, it is likely that Paul respected Peter's position as one of the original disciples chosen by Jesus and as the leader of the early Christian community. Peter's role as the head of the church on earth would have carried significant weight and authority, which Paul may have recognized and honored. Additionally, Paul's willingness to defer to Peter could have been a display of humility and an example of unity within the early Christian church despite their occasional disagreements. Ultimately, Peter's position as the head of the church served as a unifying force and a source of guidance for Christians, helping to maintain order and coherence within the growing faith community.

In his letters, Paul emphasizes the importance of faith in salvation rather than relying solely on good works. He argues that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ, not through observing the works of the law. However, Paul also acknowledges the importance of good works as evidence of true faith. In Romans 1:16-17, Paul writes that the gospel reveals the righteousness of God and that the righteous shall live by faith. On the other hand, James emphasizes the importance of works as evidence of faith, stating in James 2 that faith without works is dead. 

The key distinction to remember is that good works, such as caring for the poor, showing hospitality, and sacrificial love, are an outpouring of genuine faith in Christ rather than a means to earn salvation. This aligns with Jesus' teachings, emphasizing love for God and neighbor as the greatest commandment. Works related to keeping the law, such as circumcision and dietary restrictions, are not necessary for salvation under the new covenant established by Christ. Instead, faith in Jesus Christ and a life marked by love and good works are central to the Christian journey. Paul's teachings on faith and works complement James' emphasis on living out one's faith through actions, creating a holistic understanding of the Christian life.


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