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Assignment 2

 The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were three different Jewish sects that existed during the same time. The Pharisees were known for being strict with the Torah and the oral law. The Sadducees focused solely on the written Torah and had political power. The Essenes, on the other hand, led an ascetic lifestyle and awaited the arrival of a messianic figure. Despite their differences, all three groups shared a common heritage and adherence to Jewish laws and customs.  Despite their differences, all three sects were highly influential in Jewish society at the time and held positions of power within the community.

Jesus had many thoughts about the Pharisees, mainly regarding their hypocrisy, neglect of justice and mercy, and focus on outward appearances. All of these main regards follow through people for many years on end. These criticisms are still relevant today, as many individuals can fall into similar traps of neglecting the needs of the vulnerable. Jesus' teachings remind people to examine their hearts and actions, prioritizing genuine faith, humility, love, and justice daily. With these teachings, we can make society better for all of humanity. In the Gospels, Jesus frequently rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy and lack of true righteousness. He criticized them for focusing on outward appearances and legalistic interpretations of the law while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus condemned their pride and self-righteousness, calling them hypocrites and whitewashed tombs. Today, similar habits and faults can be seen in individuals prioritizing religious rituals and legalism over genuine acts of compassion and love. Like the Pharisees, some people may become complacent in their faith and focus too heavily on appearances rather than inner transformation. Jesus' teachings remind us to approach our beliefs with humility and sincerity, seeking to align our actions with the principles of love and mercy rather than mere adherence to tradition.


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