In the annunciation, the angel Gabriel addresses Mary: "Greetings, The Lord is with you." This greeting holds significant weight as it communicates the divine favor Mary has been bestowed with. The title "favored one" acknowledges Mary's unique role in God's plan and signifies her purity, humility, and worthiness to bear the Son of God. By stating that the Lord is with her, Gabriel reassures Mary of God's presence and support in her calling, highlighting the intimate relationship between God and Mary in this divine encounter.
The belief in the incarnation, the central Christian doctrine that God took on human form in Jesus Christ, has significant implications for how we live and worship. The incarnation emphasizes the divine becoming human, bridging the gap between God and humanity. This teaches us about the value of every human life and the importance of treating others with love and respect. It also encourages us to seek communion with God through prayer, worship, and service, recognizing that God's presence is not distant but among us. The incarnation is considered at the center of human history because it marks the ultimate act of God's love and redemption for humanity, providing hope, salvation, and meaning to our lives. It invites us to reflect on the profound mystery of God becoming one of us and challenges us to live in a way that reflects the love and grace we have received through this extraordinary event.