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Ancient Greece Assignment 3

The Allegory of the Cave shows philosophical readers a way to step out of the darkness and into the light. Throughout this story, the humans discover new things like fire and shadows on the wall due to the fire. It all changes when one person steps out into the light, some stay while others go back. The sun represents true knowledge while the fire in the cave would represent false knowledge. In today’s society, we are still in some sort of cave since we haven’t figured out what we want to do and there are still many answers to life that we haven’t figured out yet. Overall, the allegory of the cave serves as a powerful metaphor for humanity's journey toward enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. It challenges us to question accepted beliefs and seek deeper truths beyond what is merely presented to us. It encourages us to break free from the constraints of ignorance and discover the richness and complexity of the world outside the cave. In the Pericles' Funeral Oration, the Athenians form a democracy so their city can be at peace. Unlike any other city, they have fair laws meaning it gives the people equality. They also support their communities by celebrating games and sacrifices all year round and giving back. The military system allows outside foreigners to come into the city without being a threat and gives them opportunities. Unlike many different areas during this time, the Peloponnesian War made a significant improvement in democracy.


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