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The Renaissance Assignment 8

Machiavelli believed the best way to "found" a republic was through force and establishing a strong central government. According to his book, "The Prince," Machiavelli argues that a successful republic should be founded with a ruler who possesses both virtù (strength, courage, and cunning) and fortune (luck, circumstance, and timing). Machiavelli suggests that a ruler should use any means necessary to establish stability, including violence and deception. In his view, a new republic must ensure the loyalty and obedience of its citizens, maintain a strong military, and control its territories to prevent internal and external threats. By centralizing power in the hands of a strong ruler, Machiavelli believed that a republic could be successfully founded and maintained. The New Education presents ideas on the importance of a liberal education and its role in shaping individuals and society. Vergerius argues that a liberal education should be the foundation of a well-rounded education, providing individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and virtues to lead fulfilling lives. According to Vergerius, a liberal education encompasses various disciplines and subjects, including literature, philosophy, history, mathematics, and rhetoric. He emphasizes that such an education cultivates critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and the ability to reason effectively. Vergerius believes that through the study of these subjects, individuals develop the capacity to engage in meaningful dialogue, articulate their thoughts clearly, and defend ideas convincingly. Overall, Vergerius presents a vision of a liberal education that goes beyond mere technical or vocational training. It is an education that is focused on developing individuals who possess a breadth and depth of knowledge, critical thinking skills, moral virtues, and a sense of civic responsibility. Vergerius believes that such an education is essential for the cultivation of citizens who can actively contribute to the progress and well-being of society.


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